MARTIN LUTHER COLLEGE (মার্টিন লুথার কলেজ)
Plot-04, Road-13, Block-J, Baridhara,Vatara, Dhaka-1212,Mobile: 01309-134239, 01743-045343
Nurturing Knowledge Through Quality Education
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12 Year of Celebration
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MLC Teachers Staff


MLC is a college, based on values, led by a dedicated Christian Principal.
MLC's Vision is to uplift the educational status for youth from all communities in Bangladesh.
MLC's Mission is to be a college offering quality education to serve youth from all communities, ensuring to include minority groups, and through quality education opening a door to a better future. By minorities, MLC understand ethnic minorities, religious minorities as well as financially deprived people.

MLC's Goals are

To be established as a quality college
To be a college based on Christian and humanitarian values
To be a quality college for all students but with special care for minority groups
To give special emphasis to gender equality


GOAL – To build a quality college. A quality college is by MLC defined as a college where high pass rate and quality results are achieved, but also to be an educational institution where teachers and staff continually strive to deliver quality services and where students are empowered to live lives with decency and meaning – all in an including and respecting atmosphere.
WHY – MLC believes that education contributes to mental, physical and social development which has an impact both on personal lives and on the development of the country. It is therefore imperative to run MLC as a quality college. Only by doing so, can we truly serve our target groups whose main challenge is to access and afford quality education, as well as attract students from all communities to create an environment of tolerance and equality.
HOW – MLC will focus on quality teaching, follow up students and in all ways develop personnel to run a quality college in all aspects. Activities to ensure this will include:
a. Following existing syllabus and expected co-curricular activities instructed by Dhaka Education Board and being updated on any changes
b. Training and continuously updating teachers and students in academic skills with focus on creative method
c. Supporting teachers training offered by the authorities or other organizations
d. Supporting and strengthening staff in their performance of professional management of the college
e. Ensuring that all syllabus are covered during normal classes
f. Offering free tutoring for students, in particular before HSC exam. This means, running model tests and special tutoring in January-March before HSC exam
g. Facilitating good network building with other educational institutions to compare and develop our own quality
h. Arranging extracurricular activities to encourage students’ skills
i. Performing individual student care and counselling
j. Creating a student friendly atmosphere
h. Through discipline, in the understanding of having clear rules and following these, creating a better learning environment as well as developing student awareness of personal responsibility for their own life and future
i. Through the slogan: "Nurturing Knowledge Through Quality Teaching", emphasizing on quality teaching


GOAL – To build a college based on Christian and humanitarian values emphasizing that all are equally valued and through this being a true witness for the Spirit of God.
WHY – MLC believes that all are equally valued irrespective of gender, creed or status. MLC also believes that tolerance and respect are important for Bangladesh to develop towards a society where all enjoy equal rights and benefits.
HOW – Implementation of tolerance and respect will be done mainly by creating understanding and awareness that this is according to Gods will, it is good ethics and that it will benefit the society. MLC will seek to create such an understanding by activities including:
a. Running a Christian, co-educational institution, welcoming all students in an including environment irrespective of gender, creed or status
b. Using the power example in the work to show that we have a loving God who values all people the same
c. Continuously influencing teachers and staff to practice the values between each other and the students through seminars and meetings, but also through the example of the leaders and leadership
d. Creating awareness and knowledge about the responsibility for all creation, including work for human rights and environment
e. Arranging programs where all religions may be presented to increase understanding across the different religions
f. Working against all types of corruption or money driven activities by thoroughly following rules and regulations which are developed based on Christian values. Hence, in all its work MLC will never compromise on honesty and truthfulness.


GOAL – MLC will be a quality college for all students but with special care for minorities.
WHY – MLC’s one of target groups is minorities, where minorities means religious and ethnic minorities. These groups are often vulnerable to exploitation from the majority groups, expressly if they do not have education and know their rights. In particular this is seen in villages where land and property are grabbed from village people who cannot defend themselves. Also, in Bangladesh the rate of well education Christians is low and to increase the number of Christian professionals is strategically important for the development of both the Christian society and the country.
HOW – Through a college, MLC opens up the opportunity of higher education for deprived students. In addition, MLC runs activities and programs to ensure the support to minority students including:
a. Developing students' self-esteem and leadership qualities by giving students leadership roles and responsibilities at common college activities
b. Offering hostel facilities with lower costs to support rural students often from low income families
c. Creating awareness of various social and moral issues to develop the students' social strength in the community, in particular through hostel activities
d. Facilitating network building with other churches or NGOs to create relationships which can be important for the future of the college students


GOAL – MLC wants to give special emphasis to gender equality and in particular protect girls from harassment and other problems which may prevent them from having proper education.
WHY – Girls have the same value as boys but they are highly discriminated against in Bangladesh. Girls are vulnerable to harassment and violence, both privately and publicly. Boys may also suffer from abuse and troubled backgrounds. Many youth are suffering silently which may make difficulties during their time as a student. MLC wants to ensure that both girls and boys have opportunity to quality education in a safe environment independent of their background.
HOW – MLC will seek to seek to teach equal value to both girls and boys through activities including:
a. Offering co-education for girls and boys with equal opportunities
b. Having common classroom, library, lab etc.
c. Arranging seminars on respect for each gender, socialization and gender relations within family and community
d. Preventing harassment through information, seminars or other awareness programs
e. Forming a harassment prevention committee to support vulnerable or harassed students
f. Celebrating women's day and other days emphasizing gender issues
g. Supporting hostel seats for both boys and girls
h. Encouraging and facilitating girls leading college and hostel activities
i. Developing and distributing a student protection policy